Hi everyone! I’m Figgy Puddin’. I’m a Golden Mountain Dog (My parents are a Golden Retriever named Aspen and a Bernese Mountain Dog named Balrog!) I’m almost 5 months old and I love everything.

I’ve been exploring our weird house and all of the green things that have been growing for my first spring and unfortunately, I ate something I wasn’t supposed to and I’m really sick now.

This is me and my brother Wadsworth!

My very awesome vet, Dr Claycomb gave me a magic x-ray pellet to check for sure, but she says I’ll probably have to get emergency surgery tomorrow morning. We are all really scared about it, but I’m a very good puppy and I’ll be fine, don’t worry! I’m tough!

My human parents, Kris and Lindsay are worried too because I guess operations are really expensive and they’re always talking about how broke they are, so if you want to help out by buying some of the cool stuff they make, I bet that would take a huge weight off their shoulders. Here’s some places you can do that - or share this with others that might want to help too!

Late Pledge for the TOMBPUNK RPG!

A cool roleplaying game that Alan Bahr wrote and I did the art and design for.

Buy our games on DriveThru RPG!

I have many fun and unusual roleplaying games to choose from!

Get some Original Art!

Original Art Commission
from $100.00

Get a piece of original artwork by Kris McClanahan! Get a 5x7” black and white illustration of (almost) anything you want - your pet - your D&D Character - monsters - etc!

Digital commissions will be drawn in 600DPI and sent as a JPG, TIFF or preferred format. Physical commissions will be inked on bristol and mailed. You will also get a digital scan of the art.

I work in a variety of styles - many of them can be seen on my Portfolio page. After your order, I will reach out in the next week about details and timeline.

These commissions will be completed along with my other work and may take up to three months for completion, depending on the number of commissions I get.

If you are interested in a larger piece, color work or something else, please reach out.

Book an art commission

Donate to my vet bills!

If you'd like to help out, but don't want to buy anything, you can donate money for her surgery here!

Donate to Funds for Figgy

Get the cool stuff we make!

Our shop isn’t fully populated yet, but tonight, I’m going to be listing what items we do have available on it - some of them are in extremely limited quantities. All available candles, soaps and flasks are live now!

In all seriousness, we cannot thank you enough for taking a look and helping us with her surgery if you can - It’s going to be expensive - we are already $500+ in, and the surgery will likely be many, many times that - money we don’t have - but for us, our pups are our family and Figgy is such a sweet, loving part of it and we will do anything we can to make sure she gets to be a part of our family for a long time! I’ll be working through the night to add items to the shop and think of ways we can afford her surgery, so please feel free to check back or share this page with anyone who might be interested in helping out our pups or just getting cool geeky stuff made by my wife and me!
