Smörk Borg is a complete game built from the award-winning doom metal horror fantasy RPG Mörk Borg using their Smörking excellent 3rd party license.

Smörks are little yellow goblins who have a bit of an obsession with archetype descriptions and a taste for the best things in life: Comfy footie pajama bottoms, silly hats, mushrüm moonshine, violence, and sing-alongs.

Unfortunately, you also live in a world where everything else has a taste for YOU, and they are all much larger than you.

Smörk Borg is a self-contained, rules-light game based on, and compatible with Mörk Borg!

  • 15 distinct character archetypes (With more through stretch goals)

  • Full character creation options

  • Weapons and explosives

  • Magic, both cool and shitty

  • 20 Bad Trips

  • Rules for exploration

  • Solo rules

  • Small, medium and huge kaiju-sized creatures

  • Drugs and Booze

  • 100+ lists, tables, seeds, spores, equipment, and ideas

  • A starter adventure

  • Strangely upbeat drinking songs

  • Over 100 pieces of art

  • And more!

Click here for a folder of downloadable images for promotions.